New Drupal Distributions To Watch in 2012

I have been following some of the same Drupal distributions for quite a while now, but I have been seeing quite a few new Drupal distributions popping up recently. Dries himself said at Drupalcon Chicago that distributions were the future of Drupal, and the community seems to have listened. At the time there were probably about 15 or so well known Drupal distributions or installation profiles, and that number has probably doubled at this point.

Open Public Offers a Great CMS for Government Websites

Built on the powerful Drupal Content Management System, Open Public is a Drupal distribution that offers features in a CMS that Government websites look for, and in some cases need in order to go live. Website Accessibility and 508 Compliance are required by all government websites and must meet strict ADA guidelines. Until Open Public was released there was a bit of work to do to conform your Drupal website to those standards. Open Public offers an Out of the box CMS built for Government and Public Policy groups that has all forms and content styles that meet ADA Guidelines. Open Public was created by Phase 2 Technology, which has had it's hands in government, public sector, publishing, and non-profit web development for over 10 years. They have used this experience to create an amazing open source product built on top of Drupal.