Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia

The Habitat for Humantity Philadelphia project that we worked on was in partnership with Rootid, one of our Drupal development and Drupal theming clients. We were asked to convert a PSD layout that was created for the Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia website and turn it into a Drupal 7 theme based off of the Omega Drupal 7 theme.


The Pedestrian is a Drupal website that I helped build with Rapid Waters Development which uses the Prosepoint Drupal distribution to helped generate an online publication feel for the client with multiple essays being assigned to a single issue. Prosepoint can be used to create online newspapers and online magazines with Drupal fairly easily as the distribution was made specifically for this. We adapted what functionality was available within the existing Prosepoint distribution to what the customer wanted with a custom module.


The Philadelphia Canoe Club has been around since 1905, and their last website looked like it was from 1985. I was asked to help continue development on their new Drupal website by one of their board members, who had started building the site himself. I have to admit, he did a great job for his first Drupal site, but it needed some extra configuration he wasn't sure about. While I came onto the project thinking I was just going to be doing some consulting, it did end up to be that I did some custom module development in the end to make things right for the customer.